Sometimes I feel like a meteor hurtling through space, colliding with celestial bodies and careening off in random directions. I try very hard to seperate myself from the farm when I go to work. I have a stressful new job this year which requires 100% presence of mind. No staring out the window, wondering what the sheep are up to. I've been pretty good about focusing on work at work, but when the kids leave, I confess I feel a need to jet outta there and get home. Snow is expected this weekend. Could it be true??? Pulling a trailer over the Catskills in the snow is not fun. Fortunately people come to Rhinebeck no matter what, if it's 80 or 18 degrees, the busses load up and come up from Manhattan. I have too much to do, and not enough time or hands to do it. I'm becoming rather philosophical about it. I do what I can and let it go at that. There's a quality of life issue to consider. I don't have a partner to rely on to do even the little things. Matt takes care of the trailer lights, fuses that blow, hitches, tires, stuff like that. He helps me load the product but getting all the necessary materials and making the stuff is all me. I've often complained about the vendors whose booths come on the UPS truck and they open the packages in the booth and put it up on the shelves. But that's not nearly as challening or gratifying. If I listed the things I wanted to get done before Rhinebeck, I'd waste a lot of time I could spend at the sewing machine, washing skeins, or wrapping soap. What I haven't managed to get done will wait for Maryland. I will proudly display my First Place - Best in Show photograph, Princess of the Flowers in my booth, but did I get the photos and notecard inserts done to sell the photo? Nope, I forgot and waited too long to order them. Maybe next year. Back to work, after I make dinner and take care of the hordes of hungry beasts!
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