Just put out a new batch of lavender soap to cure. What a lovely scent, and so perfect to put me at ease for sleeping. I'm really tired and hope to get a 11 to 6 stretch tonight, starting in about five minutes. I walked up the hill with the doggies after school to get some exercise and take in the gorgeous scenery. A week of rain is forecast starting tonight and the foliage will be ruined. My commute to work is spectacular and I can hardly keep from running off the road for gazing at the colorful vistas. School was alright today, with the usual drama on the part of a couple of students but nothing I can't handle largely due to my fabulous aide, Robin. I was upset about losing my Vietnam Veteran, Dick, early on because he wanted to work with wheel-chair bound kids on another campus. Then they gave me Robin and OH, what a gift she is! Robin keeps me organized and keeps notebooks on all the students. She comes back to my room after her PM assignment (I only have her half a day) and tidies up our room and washes the coffee cups. We talk over what we need to get ready for the next day and any problems we had with the kids. I asked my boss to PLEASE not take Robin away, as I know how people get pulled for this and that all the time. I hope she let's me keep her. I didn't get any more bags cut out tonight but did get the soap cut and spread out on the rack. I spent an hour going through a mountain of big plastic tubs looking for just the right lining for some marvelous fabric Carol sent me. Low and behold, there it was, just what I needed. Someday I'll have shelves with cabinet doors to store my fabric and keep it safe, where I'll be able to look through it easily. Dream on. Speaking of dreaming, I better get to it.
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