I walked out of school to be hit with a cold blast. It was snowing when I left for work but this was a shock. And I wore cotton to work today! Cotton kills...except when you are trapped in a hot school with windows that don't open, and automotive fumes combined with cosmetic fumes seeping under my classroom door. You see, there is a technical component to my alternative high school. Whew! The air can be bad! I stopped at the Village of Hamilton office to pay for my farmer's market space which is scheduled to start on May 5. Always on a quest to make money to pay for all these four footed friends. No new babies when I got home, just a freezing cold trailer and lots of riled up dogs. I brace myself when I open the door, and catch Pip on the fly as he sales past me. He gets tied up to a post outside the barn door. Pip has taught more than one of my dogs how to run away, no matter what Mommie is screaming behind us! I have to buy some bottle buckets. I just can't juggle 7 Coca Cola bottles in two hands, with the lambs all jumping on the other one to break the hold on the nipple! I think Celeste will go tonight. She has gone on the other side of the stanchion wall and is lying on her side. She is an older doe and had triplets last year. Oh, how I loved watching her with those triplets! I am keeping my fingers crossed! No school tomorrow...yes, Good Friday is very, very good.
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