The little goat kids love Chris and Breeze. They are always dancing around them, or following their big brothers around. It's a delight to watch. I had a scare tonight when Bridie ate some rabbit food out of the bucket I put down for Lilly's treat. When I'm finished putting the pellets in the cages I give the sheep what's left. Matt started it, and they crowd around waiting for it. Most of them were outside grazing and the lambs got a chance. But Bridie started to salivate and rivers of drool were pouring out of her mouth. I was panicky, thinking she was allergic or poisoned. A half hour later she is fine, munching on hay, and taking her bottle normally. Whew, that was frightening. No more rabbit pellets to lambs. Matt called on his way to Jan's for dinner. Jan and I worked together at Voorhees and she and her husband, Dave, graciously have Matt once a week while he is working in NJ. He called to tell me work went alright today - threat of rain is always a problem - and the seatbelt bell was ringing away. He was probably going 90 miles an hour in the fast lane, too. I am afraid he is going to pull a "Corzine" one of these days and end up like the Gov. of NJ, lying in a hospital bed, or a morgue, with a dozen fractures. Matt met Mia for dinner last night at the Dublin Pub in Morristown. We are all so excited and happy for her. She is graduating from UMDNJ with terrific grades and 10 points already earned toward her Masters in nursing. Then she will really be our doctor. Mia is off to Europe with Jenny Brady, her childhood friend since kindergarten, in June. Then home again to do some serious job hunting. AJ gave his first sermon yesterday to a bible class at Univ. of Las Vegas. He said it was well received. I guess we have a preacher in the family now. Wish I was there to hear it. I'm trying to get done with chores so I can watch the democratic debate tonight. Go Hillary! I am thrilled she is my senator now! I always liked her and never understood why people react so negatively to her. I read her biography - she has always been a social activist and dynamite woman. Anyone who will try to get nationalized health insurance is fine with me. We can go into zillions of dollars worth of debt to wage a war but not to take care of poor people who have no benefits? Go figure!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Chris and his Little Friend
The little goat kids love Chris and Breeze. They are always dancing around them, or following their big brothers around. It's a delight to watch. I had a scare tonight when Bridie ate some rabbit food out of the bucket I put down for Lilly's treat. When I'm finished putting the pellets in the cages I give the sheep what's left. Matt started it, and they crowd around waiting for it. Most of them were outside grazing and the lambs got a chance. But Bridie started to salivate and rivers of drool were pouring out of her mouth. I was panicky, thinking she was allergic or poisoned. A half hour later she is fine, munching on hay, and taking her bottle normally. Whew, that was frightening. No more rabbit pellets to lambs. Matt called on his way to Jan's for dinner. Jan and I worked together at Voorhees and she and her husband, Dave, graciously have Matt once a week while he is working in NJ. He called to tell me work went alright today - threat of rain is always a problem - and the seatbelt bell was ringing away. He was probably going 90 miles an hour in the fast lane, too. I am afraid he is going to pull a "Corzine" one of these days and end up like the Gov. of NJ, lying in a hospital bed, or a morgue, with a dozen fractures. Matt met Mia for dinner last night at the Dublin Pub in Morristown. We are all so excited and happy for her. She is graduating from UMDNJ with terrific grades and 10 points already earned toward her Masters in nursing. Then she will really be our doctor. Mia is off to Europe with Jenny Brady, her childhood friend since kindergarten, in June. Then home again to do some serious job hunting. AJ gave his first sermon yesterday to a bible class at Univ. of Las Vegas. He said it was well received. I guess we have a preacher in the family now. Wish I was there to hear it. I'm trying to get done with chores so I can watch the democratic debate tonight. Go Hillary! I am thrilled she is my senator now! I always liked her and never understood why people react so negatively to her. I read her biography - she has always been a social activist and dynamite woman. Anyone who will try to get nationalized health insurance is fine with me. We can go into zillions of dollars worth of debt to wage a war but not to take care of poor people who have no benefits? Go figure!
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