Okay, so I'm starting to feel better. I took 5 Advil and it's helping my knee and my slippery plywood injury. When I broke my foot while moving - long story, please don't get me started - I took thousands of Advil over the next year. I hate doctors - another long story - and the orthopedic guy who took care of me when Bodie broke my leg was in Europe (doctors!) The ER had given me an air cast so I decided to go with that and tough it out. I was trying to get tenure at my old J-Crew high school and had too much pride to use crutches or drag a cast around. Was I completely nuts? The answer is YES!! So I took a LOT of Advil. I was told it doesn't hurt your liver, if it did I would be dead. I have been trying not to take it for a while, but now that I am I realize it is darn good stuff - and doesn't mess up your mind the way the prescription stuff does. We have a snow storm coming, maybe a foot of snow, so we will run into New Berlin to Homestead Feed. Matt went to get hay and I heated up my Friday night eggplant parmigian from Frank's, which arrived with Matt about 10 PM last night. Omigosh, it is the best I've ever had. Matt came back from getting hay and said, wait a minute, I wanted to take you out to breakfast. Isn't it just like a man to think I have mental telepathy? I had done the watering and thrown out lots of bales and the belly was empty. Now it's too full. Oh, well, another time. I have to prepare Rowena's oatmeal and molasses breakfast anyway. Poor thing, I don't see her making much progress. There is some disease process going on in there the vet couldn't see, I fear. She's so beautiful and I would hate to lose her. So I will keep trying...
A foot of snow? Yikes! It's raining here.
I take Advil and it helps my knees I've found. I don't take that much though!!
I hope Rowena gets better.
Too much of anything, probably even Advil, may not be good! Watch yourself aroudn the farm!
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