After a weekend like I had, going to work was a treat. Those girls I work with are the greatest. It was good to be around them. Matt found my debit card as I was leaving, on the milk room floor. Driver's license nowhere to be found, so I dropped that somewhere else. Fatigue can do weird things. It took me months to get that NY license, as they require SIX forms of ID, etc. etc. Can't believe I lost it. Got a new one after work - no problem. Motor Vehicle here is a LOT different than NJ, which can look like the League of Nations on Black Friday. Came home to find new lamb twins - two rams - one black and one white. Moira's daughter had them no problem. Beautiful serene happy mother. Got her jugged up with them, then tended to Rowena. My lovely Rowena, is very sick. Dr. Rachel came and tried to put in an IV, but she is so dehydrated she couldn't find a vein. We are doing peritoneal hydration, putting a needle in here and there and letting the area fill up with Ringer's lactate. She had a fever of 102 - I had given her pencillin, but not enough. Good thing we called the vet. Her kids have to be supplemented. I have so many on the bottle now I don't know how I am going to do it. Wanted to buy hanging buckets, but with the SEVEN HUNDRED dollar electric bill last month there's not much room to wiggle. Space heaters in the trailer, I guess, and leaving the oven on in the milk roon. Still don't understand it. The electric company says it's partially because they underestimated last months. I better start making a LOT of soap...
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