We were set up by 9 and ready to rock and roll at the Hamilton Farmer's Market. Some half season vendors were missing, but other talented, hard-working farmers and crafters took their place. The crowds came out but sales were not as vigorous as one would hope. There seems to be an August slump every year, where, for a couple of weeks, people pick up a few veggies, socialize a bit, then head out. When the Colgate students come back to town the market picks up. I sold a few jars of hand creme and a few bars of soap but that's it. It covered the chicken dinners I bought from Holy Smokes so I can take the night off cooking, and the blueberries I ate for breakfast. Many women were stroking and moaning over the bags, and asking if I will be here next week, etc., but no takers. That's okay - I've learned that they all sell eventually, and I need to build up an inventory for fall shows anyway. I chatted with a couple of sheep friends who are vendors at the market, and caught Susan Carr, another fiber art friend. Hannah and I traded wool for a few pair of Candace Cain earrings. Hannah doesn't have pierced ears, but wants to get them done when she gets home. She has three nice pair ready for when the holes are dug. The rain came as predicted and we took down in a lovely cool drizzle. Back to the farm after a stop at the grocery store for bare essentials and cat food. I turned on the machine and learned of the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Very, very upsetting. What a horrible, dreary and wasteful war that is going nowhere for no good purpose that I can tell, while our country sinks deeper and deeper into economic disaster. Very, very disturbing. Had to lie down for a while and ponder the worst fear a mother could face - the thought of AJ being posted in that God forsaken place, which is a distinct possibility since he wants to go. His unit was deployed there twice while AJ was in seminary and he feels guilty about it. AJ has been deployed to Gitmo, but that was not considered a combat zone, and he feels he cannot counsel his unit properly if he does not spend time in Afghanistan. Fingers crossed that never happens.
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