The rams and bucks are in their own pasture in the back of the barn. It's a neat place for them, as they have a run in area that connects to the rest of the barn where they can see the ewes and does. I also propped open the door to the silo room, giving them an extra space to get out of the weather. I love the boys, and hated taking them off the hillside, but I don't want lambs this year. I have to go up in the hay mow and throw bales down to them through the window. It's a bit tedious but the boys need to eat. Zack, my purebred Border Leicester ram is out there along with Romeo, Othello's son, who is a real nice looking Merino/Bluefaced Leicester ram. Spikey, Monkey's boy is in there, along with Dexter, Dolly's boy, and a few others. I have to get Big Jim Baldwin over here to shear. I hope he's in a better mood than last time. It's worth putting up with Jim's crankiness to hear him put the other cranky male squarely in his place. I wonder who in the world I could be talking about????
Man, I love your website. I actually feel cooler from reading it. I shared on my facebook page and ordered some soap. Thanks so much for all you do. Les
Les! So good to hear from you, Buddy! Remember, those early days when I just left Morristown, and I was sitting in that shack in the wilds of western New Jersey (little did I know what wilds were) and we started corresponding online, and you told me, SOAP is the ANSWER, or something like that? Well, I took your advice to heart and here I am! After the soap came the sheep, and yarn, and fleeces, and hand creme, and tote bags, and farm photos, and the rest is history. I'll get your package out ASAP. Thanks for getting in touch, Les! 40 F. on the farm this morning, but it didn't stop me for bathing au naturelle in the pond (no power for three days!) Felt grrrreat!
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