What a commute this morning! Just as I was finishing chores I noticed the snow getting heavier. By the time I left the roads were covered and getting worse by the minute. I skipped King's Settlement Road, the quicker by higher and curvier road I usually take to work, and headed to South New Berlin where I could cut over to Norwich. Traffic was very slow, with several people run off the road, and one accident causing a traffic jam with fire engines, etc. I finally got to work after driving an hour and ten minutes. An icy rain is falling tonight, with much fog making the farm very spooky outside. Luckily I can stay inside where it's bright, dry and cozy. The ram lambs I banded yesterday are fine and nursing from their moms, tails wagging. I was concerned as they are a couple of months old, but no problems. Their scrotums were not very big at all, and I was able to make sure I got both testicles below the band. I apologized and told them that with this procedure done they won't have to go in the freezer! I banded all the black boys and oh, wow, will I have some nice black fleeces! Perfect for dyeing purple, dark blue or scarlet. I climbed up to the hay mow and got the bales tossed down when it was still light. Guess I'm still spooked by Kim and Darryl's ghost encounter of a month ago. I know ghosts can come downstairs, but I don't want to be startled and fall off the ladder with nobody around. Who knows when I would be found and the critters would go hungry! I got chores done in two hours, dinner done, and will go out now to feed Thor, Finn and Knut AKA "The White Boys." Oh, they are so funny. All litter mates but SO different it's unbelievable. With four breeds of Livestock Guardian Dog in them, anything is possible. Yes, they are Great Pyrenees, Akbash, Maremma and Tatra (the Polish sheep guarding/companion dog). I think Thor is mostly Maremma, Finn is mostly Tatra and Knut is mostly Akbash. Very complex and interesting doggies...and they LOVE their Mommy! Quite frankly, I think they exist for me, not the sheep, but that's okay too. They still run the varmints off. On deck for tonight - sew until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I'm watching the HBO documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 100 years ago. One great thing about being a teacher is that we are SO pro-union. In this recent anti-union climate, it's important to remember who gave us the eight hour workday, the week end, medical benefits, and a SAFE workplace. Off to play with the doggies...
1 comment:
Silly boy he looks so happy :) They are wonderful boys for sure but they are so different in personality! Of course Java and Tanner are so different too its hard to believe they are sisters.
Kim and crew
PS Say Hi to Lydia for us ;)
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