A greenish tinge is coming over the hillside. In six weeks or so it will explode with grass (and thistles). I'm not quite ready for the heat/flies but the sheep are plenty ready. I took down the plastic wall in the back of the barn so the sheep who are not with lambs can venture outside. Have to do tails and balls before I can let the moms with babes out. We had a couple of days of big time melting here, with little rivers finding the quickest way down the hill to the creek across the road. I love to watch the bubbling coming up out of the ground. I have two future pond sites I would like to dig. I've been spending some time in the tractor shed and discovered some giant bags of nifty clothes, with many shirts and some shorts for summer. I think I bought every Scottish and Irish wool thrift shop kilt in New Jersey. Glad I saved these treasures from the rug hookers and their scissors. I also found a motherload of mohair fleeces I brought up here with me, along with some lovely black wool fleeces. My Dharma dyes should be in today and I plan on starting up the bubbling pots. I can smell the vinegar now. I hope my two remaining burners are still working. Between roosting chickens and dyes boiling over, burners don't last long. Matt is leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas to teach Mobile Home Weatherization for a week. Good time for me to cover the floor of the little apartment with wool. It gets a bit crazy, but has to be done. I work better inside sitting on the sofa with the wood stove going and a movie on TV. Incredibly, I don't really have a good place to skirt fleeces out in the barn. Too many cats and roosters trying to play with the fleece while I work, so I bring them inside. The big push is on to make product for Maryland Sheep and Wool, then New Hampshire Sheep and Wool the following week. Good news - Mia is coming to Maryland!! She's putting in for the day off. It will be great to have her sunshiny personality in the booth. More good news - Kim and Darryl are going to take me and my shop to New Hampshire! I didn't know how I was going to manage it, just a week after Maryland, and they came to my rescue once again.
I get to go to Maryland too right??? I could finally meeet the one and only Mia in person!!!!
Of course you do, Kimmie! I couldn't do it without you!
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