The lovely weather continued today. 24 F. on the steps this morning but warmed up considerably later on. Day went quickly then home to get chores started. The snow softened a bit so I could haul water to the back boys pen for the goats. Matt said they could eat snow, which sheep will do just fine, but goats would rather have water. They drank and drank. Goat moms, babies, Billy Goat, Chris and Baby Thunder doing fine in the hay mow. Chores took about two hours, then inside apartment before dark. Matt away teaching in Binghamton, just doggies, kitties and me. Colorscape Chenango required a disk with images of recent work for their application due on March 12. Took a while but got that done. Now to sew a bit after my light vanilla ice cream. Big Love season finale until 11 then shut eye. "Tomorrow is another day," says Scarlet O'Hara.
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