I love storms. They are nature's IMAX theatre productions. It's strange to watch all this crazy weather going on just south and east of us, while we stay strangely calm. A bit of intense wind came through last night while I was up in the hay mow with the goats. The empty mow, which is meant to hold thousands of bales, shook and creaked. Cold air rushed through the boards, which are purposely nailed with spaces inbetween so the hay can breathe. Didn't phase the goats a bit, or Baby Thunder, or old Chris, because Matt had just handed me two buckets of corn up the ladder. I have to run around to the feed pans and get the corn distributed or I will be pushed over pretty quick. Absentminded thing that I am, I forgot to get goat feed at the mill yesterday, and have to give them the sheep's corn. The goats don't mind, but I do like them to get their copper and other minerals not found in corn. I feed Chris seperately by holding the bucket up for him, or the goats wouldn't leave him a kernel. The wind died down and the morning dawned cool and gray. I have two bags to finish and put on line. I put them together last night while watching two terrific shows about whales on Nat Geo. Pearl Jam and Jude Law were on SNL. I fell asleep before it was over, but got to see PJ sing their latest tune. So much to do today and we're already down an hour. Have to hussle and make up for lost time. I went to New Hartford yesterday to get polymer clay at Michael's and was thrilled to find they were having a great sale. A little block which is usually $2.79 was on sale 4 for $5. I bought a bunch and was disappointed to find they are kind of hard. No wonder they were selling them cheap. I had a heck of a time kneading the colors together, but with some elbow grease and a rolling pin I got some cool buttons made. I'll make some more today, hopefully, God willing and the creek don't rise.
1 comment:
Your buttons are very cute. I love the one on my bag.
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