Stayed late at school for a meeting then some paperwork. After PO and market I stopped at Mary's for eggs, then made my way home with wind and sleety snow starting up. Everybody glad to see me at home. Got a little dinner made and had a nice talk with Mia about wedding stuff. So much fun to share in the planning of a life together. She's taking off for California tomorrow to visit Hannah and Luke in San Jose, then to visit Lisa in SF. Lisa is expecting her first baby this summer, and will be Mia's Matron of Honor in The Wedding. Mia's putting together her wedding party. Sounds like I'll be making a few bouquets - fine with me, I love to do it. Matt is in Rochester spread eagle in the Radisson Inn, loving every minute of it I'm sure. It took me two hours to do chores tonight, hauling bales in from the milk room where we are storing them after dragging them in from the cart in the driveway. The motor is still broken and we can't get the truck up to the north side of the barn with the drifts. Not an easy way to do it. It's hard for me to get the bale through the milk room door to the barn with sheep blocking the way. Then dragging the hose up the ladder to water the goats upstairs. Billy Goat is up there and hasn't fallen down again yet. I think he knows not to lean over so far. When he hears my voice he calls and calls. Three bottles a day is all he's getting now. I want him to nibble on alfalfa with the other toddlers. Jammies, light vanilla ice cream, barn check, then school work until I can't keep my eyes open any longer, which is starting to happen already. Would love to stay up to see the Olympic medalists on Jay Leno but he's on at 11:30 now, too late for me on school nights.
1 comment:
Sounds like your plate is full.
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