Could it be true? Is it really Friday? I drove 50 miles to the Masonville campus of our sister BOCES for a joint staff workshop. Late as usual (Billy Goat's fault) I was zooming down the highway at almost 80 mph when a tiny car passed me, passengers waving, and I realized it was Gretchen and Co. heading for the same place. If people only knew how teachers drive - and we look so dull, nerdy and boring for the most part! The Masonville BOCES is nestled in the Catskills, and is a stunning campus. Giant windows with hills all around, pretty colored tiles, terrazzo floors, field stone accents, good food and happy smiling faces of friends and colleagues - and no kids for a day! We learned all about how to teach vocabulary in a way that makes sense to kids, and had an afternoon presentation on mental disorders - very appropriate for our student population (and others I come in contact with from time to time). The drive home was long but beautiful in the brilliant sunshine and cold wind. Gosh, I love this weather. My usual stops at PO, Stewarts and feed store and home to the farm. Cuppa Joe and outside with the doggies. The wind went right through my fleece pants and sweater, but I was going to give the doggies their due. They hold it all day and take a while to discharge everything that's built up, so I hate to rush them. I'm pulling up thistle bushes, roots and all, from the damp ground, before they start to grow back. Helps to remember gloves but I never do. Maybe I'll have a little fire of thistle sticks and other brush tomorrow night, if the wind dies down, and have a little glass of sherry while I stare into the flames and contemplate the fate of my farm and the universe. In the meantime, I better get back to work on wool, soap, bags and creme - my list for the weekend.
Hey I'm not crazy my mother had me tested LOL
counting down the days
My mother often called me lazy, funny how that stuck in my mind. She's been gone ten years and I'm still trying to prove her wrong.
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