Matt ran into a tax protest going on in Brookfield as he was heading for the Louis Gale feed mill this morning. How exciting! I'm so proud of my little town! (Teachers are, by nature, very militant!) It costs $20,000 per student to keep 240 kids in the K-12 Brookfield School. I wonder if the high cost of health care for each and every employee of the school has something to do with it? He sent me pictures on his Blackberry. Many townspeople are supremely pissed off at the tax hikes this past year, some as high as 30% the protestors told Matt. My taxes have stayed the same, don't know why. The Brookfield residents were marching up and down main street in front of the tiny little cinder block town hall (with the hitching post in front for horses, right next to the bar), exercising their right to assemble, right to free speech, etc., in a democratic society. I can't wait to tell my students about this. They love when I talk about our rights, especially when it pertains to the rights against illegal search and seizure, right to remain silent, have a lawyer appointed for you, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if one of my students, someday in the future, says politely to an officer that wants to search their cars or premises, do you have probable cause? or may I examine your search warrant, please? I will be so fulfilled!
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