I loaded several giant bags of little and big bags of angora and wool into the minivan before I rushed off to work today. One giant bag of gorgeous, fuschia pink BFL was in a net laundry bag Kim gave me. The day flew by and school was over. I loaded some boxes I picked up in the hall at school and one nifty copy paper box Gretchen gave me. It is perfect to ship people their Bundaflicka Bags in, or pour molten shaving block soap into. Anyway, I took off out of the parking lot and realized I left the sliding door to the van open. I stopped, jumped out, closed the door and took off to downtown Norwich to Hayes Office Supply. They have a little alcove in the back I can pull up to, unload my wool and tape together boxes. To my shock and horror, my big bag of fuschia wool was missing. As I fought off hyperventilation, I realized it must have fallen out in the parking lot of my school. I decided to pack up the rest of the wool and get it out to the mill. Time is of the essence with Md. Sheep and Wool 30 days away! It took half an hour with me trying to be calm and collected with the UPS lady figuring out my bill. I took off for the school to find my wool in the parking lot. No wool. I checked with several custodians who promised me they would check around for a giant bag of pink wool. I went to the school office and asked the secretary. No wool, and I appreciated the way she took my plight seriously. I didn't hear any snickering as I left the office. I made my way down the hall to check with my friend, Sharon, the Special Ed. secretary, but the Director was in the office. I decided not to share my story with them, as I'm sure they think I'm a nut case, and the staff was recently warned about certain un-professional behaviors. I wasn't sure how my story of the lost pink wool bag would be received. I needed to get home and resolved to hope for the best that someone had found my wool and would save it to give to me tomorrow. It might even be propped up against my classroom door in the morning...but I couldn't let it rest. I called Sharon with my cell phone as soon as the call would go through (this is upstate NY remember). Guess what!! The Director has my wool!! Sharon said I could pick it up in the morning! I don't know how, but it was found and turned in to the Special Ed. office! What a relief...two or three fleeces, lovingly washed, dyed, washed again and dried, were lost and now are found.
Oh my goodness!! I was feeling the panic with you!! Was glad at the end of your post you had found it, I should not read the blogs before I go to bed, I would have had nightmares if you had not found the wool as I know how much work goes into getting fibre ready for the mills. I just got mine in the mail the other day.
Wow! You had me on pins and needles. So glad you are getting the wool back!
Thankgoodness - can't help but hold your breath till the end of your post! In the picture, it looks like cotton candy.
Hi Maggie so happy you got it. Love your web site. You should put pic of the purse we mad in class. Santana
Hi Maggie so happy you got it. Love your web site. You should put pic of the purse we mad in class. Santana
Hi Maggie so happy you got it. Love your web site. You should put pic of the purse we mad in class. Santana
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