I'm browsing through pictures to find Md. Sheep and Wool entries. After winning First Place and Best in Show last year I figure I have a reputation to keep up. I thought I might have a mention on the show's web site for this year but didn't see anything. That's okay, I have the picture and ribbons in the living corner of the apartment and the thrill will last me a lifetime. But what to show this year? I have a couple of ideas, including the Wooly Rooster which Kimmie Cornerstone and Mia have voted for. I'll put my dearly departed Horatio's picture in the portrait division. I get misty when I look at it. I'll never forget coming home and finding him dead on the hay. Matt thinks the alfafa in the nice green bale he got for breakfast that day killed him. I think he was just so old it was time for him to cross the Rainbow Bridge. His original owner from somewhere in Central New York had sold her farm and taken off in a Winnebago. The new owners did not want her sheep and they were fostered in Ft. Plain for a while before I rescued a few. I think some of the Rambouillets and Merinos were old as the hills. I'm going to get some of the Rambo wool processed this year and see how I like it. They are the sheep featured in Brokeback Mountain. In the meantime, I have Horatio's skull and magnificent hornset to remember him by. I fished it out of the dead pile last summer after nature had done her work. Fortunately, the coyotes didn't gnaw on the beautiful horns. Someday I hope to have a mantle to put it on.
I don't know what the judges are looking for and the prize winner of last year would be nearly impossible to top but I love the one of billy looking in the bath tub or any of the kids playing!! carol h
Horatio looks as if he was a sweet, gentle soul - handsome boy. Lucky for him he ended his life loved and cared for.
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