Fell asleep on the sofa after chores last night. Woke up at 5:30. Feels good to get some sleep in the bank. I'm not crazy about sleep the way some people are. There are too many fun things to do to waste a lot of time on sleeping. I love the way it feels to get under the covers, stretch out, then curl up, burying my face in the pillow, then nothingness. Waking up is good, too, but I can't stay in bed for more than the minute or two it takes to savvy the moment. I get up and make coffee the way only I can make it - very strong, poured into a cup of foamy, sugary milk with a spritz of cinnamon on top. Annie taught me to do it that way, and OH, there is nothing that can compare. Have to get it in gear to bomb out of here to school. Billy Goat fell out of the hay mow again as I was climbing up the ladder with his bottle last night. He went sailing past me and landed on his back on the hay below, again. I would leave him downstairs but I'm afraid he would find his way out of this gigantic barn into the snow, and just scream waiting for me to come and find him. He's safer in the hay mow. Mia is in San Jose with Eric's family for a few days. I hope she takes Hannah and Luke to the beach so Annie and Eric can have some quiet time. On Friday she will visit Lisa in San Francisco. Lisa's carrying her first baby, a boy, and will give birth this summer. So typical of life in America these days, best friends living on separate coasts. Hope she can make it back East for Mia's bridal shower, whenever it takes place. Better suit up and get out in the barn for morning chores, then off to the salt mines. Do I have clean jeans? Maybe, maybe not. Oh, please, F150, get me there without slipping off the road down into a ravine. I feel so safe in my BIG TRUCK, however un-green it is! Jury duty tomorrow in Wampsville, wherever the heck that is...and I have to wear real clothes "appropriate for the court." I know I should feel proud to do my civic duty, but......
Maggie, Don't you have something laying around that you could slide over the hole in the hay mow? We used to have a metal shelf we would slide over. We don't want Billy to break his neck.
Your mornings sound like the coffee should be delivered by an IV.
I have to open the cover to get up there myself. That's when he falls down - when I am climbing up to feed him. I'm trying to figure out something. I don't want to lose my little Billy.
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