Matt decided to take a vacation day for his birthday today. He wanted me to stay home with him, but I don't like to take a Friday off. It's my absolute favorite day of the week. Everyone is in a happy mood because it's the eve of the weekend. My kids work hard all week and we have Movie Day on Friday. We're showing the Lord of the Rings trilogy and have just finished the first movie. The kids loved it, I mean they didn't even take a rest room break for over 2 and a half hours. I'm thrilled they liked it. One student is asking for Cold Mountain next. How could I be so lucky? I bought him a good pair of shoes in "downtown" Norwich and headed home by way of Mary's. I love stopping there. I wish I could settle into one of her massive sofas and hang with the Border Collies, who are just like people, but I'm always rushing home to my own animals. Mary showed me her new cold frames and gave me a jar of pickled beets and enough eggs to get me through the next few days. Home to find the birthday boy relaxing on the sofa. He had chores done so we were able to head out to the Beaver Den for Fish Fry Night. A very pleasant birthday outing. I brought lots of French fries and cole slaw home for the chickens, who had long since gone to bed, but I tossed them into their room anyway. A bottle for Billy Goat (he takes a whole liter at a time!) and fill the stock tanks, take care of the White Boys and it's in for the night. Feed mill tomorrow, some barn work and tidy up in the apartment then it's soap making and sewing for me. Big Jim Baldwin, my shearer, is coming next Saturday to shear. I need more wool to dye, dry and send out to the mill. Kim and Crew are coming from Ontario to help out. Lucky for me I will have Kim to skirt so yucky stuff won't go in the bag.
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