The fabulous weather continues. The barn clean-up is progressing nicely. Can't believe how much five years of hay and manure can accumulate. They certainly have nice weather to work in. Equipment issues slowed them a little but fortunately they seem to be able to fix their own machines. I should have very thick, green grass next summer. Matt was in Syracuse attempting to get our new/old tractor working finally. Work stopped for months for a variety of reasons, now the push is on to have it finish it for snow plowing. The same friend, Ron, who found the tractor for him fixed my F150. The part that needed replacing was so corroded it's amazing it ran at all. I did some mopping of floors with very pleasant results. Love, love, love this pine wood. It can look awful then clean up so nicely, with the nicks and scratches only giving it more character. I use an orange citrus cleaner, CitraSolv, that leaves a lovely scent. I put off cleaning as long as I can and have a zillion excuses not to but that only lasts so long. Ofcourse, there is no where to put all my stuff, but that's another problem. Matt wants to buy a used single-wide trailer to put up on the hill to use as a residence and let this be my workshop. I can't say I blame him. With the holidays coming, etc., I hope to do a lot more straightening and organizing, including a little painting, etc. Fantasies are free...
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