Had a lovely walk on the moors this morning. Gray, cold, threatening snow despite the weather forecast that has a little sun peeking through the clouds. How wonderful to pull on a sweater, boots and hooded Carhartt and go out in my flannel nightie. Nobody human to see or care. Tanner and Pip, my runaway dogs so they are always on leashes, fairly pull me all the way up the big hill. With all the manure spread on the fields, they are wild with excitement. Holly has been rolling in it for a week, making our nights together slightly aromatic. My resident owl was hooting on the ridge. Oh, how I love that sound. We had many more owls in New Jersey. They love trees and here there are many wide open spaces. I hope whoever he/she is has a nest of baby owls for me. I left the gate open last night, thinking I would let the sheep graze into the night and put themselves to bed. They did that, but around 30 sneaked back out before I got the gate closed. The few left behind are wondering why they can't get out. I was hoping to get to the last day of the farmer's market, but Matt says forget it. Not sure how many people would come out anyway. I had hoped to buy some more broccoli and cabbages from Ron the Veggie Guy but I'm still cooking and freezing what I bought last week. I'm disappointed, but I have plenty to do on the farm, including bunnies to groom, bags to sew, soap to make and a house to clean. Notice how the housekeeping is at the end of the list. I can only use a full-time job and farm as an excuse so long before I can't stand it any longer. I'll do a bunny or two first, as the angora gets all over my outfit, even with an apron on, and a flannel nightgown is easier to wash than a set of clothes. With my fuzzy logic, I have to make enough product to purge the guilt of not going to the market. If it stays cold I'll fire up the wood stove tonight. The apartment is small enough that cooking on the gas range heats it up in here pretty good. The wood stove makes it too hot. When it's 20 below the wood stove is fabulous, but we are not there yet.
I can so picture you grooming your bunnies.... glad you made it home safe and sound last night.
IT's very chilly here in Iowa, but the sun is shining and it's now 30 degrees compared to 22 earlier this morning. I have never heard of grooming bunnies ~ I'll bet it's a hairy experience.. ta ta for now from Iowa..
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