If I can get through today I'll be able to stay home for FOUR days and get some work done. I have a lady who wants a ram lamb, a lady who wants handspun yarn for her daughter, and several bags cut out to sew. I have two batches of soap to cut up, and creme to make. I have lots of animals in need of some TLC, and a house to tidy up. My washing machine is broken, probably something jammed between the agitator and the bottom of the tub. Not good. I get pretty dirty here on the farm and we wash every night. If Matt can't fix it, well, it looks like the laundramat for me until I can buy myself a new one for Christmas. I gave that washer a beating for the last 20 years so I can't complain. The truck is in need of some major work. I got home in half to one mile intervals last night, stalling then coasting to the side of the road to start it up again. Luckily I drive on country roads and only go through two little intersections. Matt will attempt to get it to his mechanic friend in Syracuse today while I drive the van. The hot water is not getting hot - another luke-warm/coolish bath this morning. The goats disappeared last night and are probably asleep in the woods. I should go out and find them but it's pitch black dark and I have to go to work and do progress reports today. Izzy tells me everything is going to be alright! As long as he has a barn full of sheep dung to eat and a down comforter to sleep under at night, all is well in his universe! We all have our own personal reality shows going on. Better get going on today's new episode.
Good luck and keep going :)
You'll be able to enjoy those four days and get so much done because you are after all WonderWoman !!
HUGS kim and crew
off to walk through the bare woods as the sun is shining and Java and I need some "girl" time together :)
Bright and shining here in Iowa..
Wish I lived closer to you so I could help.. My neighbor posted yesterday on her facebook that her washer broke and her laundry was piling up. she has 4 children.. I went up to her house this morning and took 3 of the most important loads home with me.. 1st load is washing now. She was so surprised and relunctant.. I told her I'm retired and not doing much today. We had a cup of tea before leaving and had a good visit with lots of laughter. Girls do that a lot.
Maggie, I think your truck has a fuel filter problem. Been there with an F150. The filters do go. Hope the other things are easy to fix also. Joan
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