Woke up to a white world this morning. We had a pretty little snowfall last night, which continued through my commute to school. I love Fridays with the promise of a weekend to work and play on the farm. An unfortunate incident with an emotionally distraught student conspired to thwart my Friday euphoria, but by lunchtime I was getting it back. Matt found a sewing machine repair guy in Syracuse who only does Singers and is very much into old machines. He brought home a replacement drive band for the 99K, my favorite, and I'm good to go. I've been back and forth with this machine and can't be without it. My new old machine is in school, but this group is not a sewing group like the kids I had last year, and I'm always busy with kids or the eternal bureaucracy that is education. After some stops I arrived home as it was getting dark. I have my just-home routine which consists of getting groceries and things I've brought home from school through the four doors I must go through to get into the apartment, then changing clothes quickly and getting the doggies out. Today I opened the gate to let the sheep out but surprisingly they didn't want to go. They know there is no grass out there and told me they would rather stay in and eat what I give them. The long, expensive winter feeding season begins. I feed the quacking, excited ducks in the moonlight. I must figure out how to get them inside once their water freezes. I give them warm water through the hose, but soon the water will freeze quickly. As I was outside I was listening for Baby Thunder to cough, but he didn't, not once. I think the Micotil Dr. Rachel gave me did the trick. He only gets two doses and I have to be careful with the needle. One prick is lethal to humans. Fortunately, he stands nice and still, even though he HATES shots. The Prince Charles special is on tonight. I confess I'm an Anglophile and love all the Brit-stuff. I adored Diana and will watch Kate and Will's wedding preparations with great anticipation. Speaking of anticipation, I'll be working on Mia's bridal shower this weekend. We set off for New Jersey on Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with the young couple. The bridal party plus some close friends and relatives will converge on the Concord Room of the Hyatt for a shower on Friday. I can't wait to see what the Girls have planned for Mia. Kimmie Cornerstone and Kids are coming to farm-sit, brave souls! Won't they be glad to get back to Canada and sanity!
Sanity??? What is this sanity you speak of? Can't wait to get there and see all the crew again :)
Love the picture! That is a large sheep!!
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