My days fly by with too much to do, usually a good thing, but sometimes it's a little crazy. That's why my late nights are so precious, with the farm animals bedded down, the moon and stars on duty and this little valley quiet. It's rare that a car goes by at all after dark. I do my blog post, look at what people are saying to each other on Facebook, which I enjoy because Annie often posts things about Hannah and Luke, and Mia puts her camping pictures on the site. It's a way of keeping track of my kids without bothering them. Sometimes I spin on my lovely Robin wheel or I play with fabric and sew while watching my favorite shows. I play with the inside dogs and cats. They definitely get the most attention on the farm. I take Tanner, Izzy, Pip and Holly up to the pond every day before I take care of everybody else. The Three Little Pigs, as yet unnamed, are doing well. They are still very shy and freeze in terror when I peak over the fence at them. They ate their slop with chopped up apples yesterday, so I know they'll be okay. They slept last night in a row, with the middle pig in the other direction for maximum contact and warmth. I love that about pigs. They cooperate to make each other comfortable. This will be my first time with pigs in the summer. My last pigs only had hay for greens as I raised them over the winter. These pigs will have all of summer's vegetables with pumpkins and apples in the fall. It's very gratifying to have animals I can feed all I want without worrying about damaging their health. The teenaged chicks are doing great in the chicken room. I let them out of their crate to live with the big chickens. The door of the crate is open so they can go in there and roost or hide from the big girls. They are purebred chickens and are growing very fast and healthy. I have five babies in the bathroom now. They fortunately take up much less room than the 25 chick tub I had in there last time. I better study up on how to make quiches, as I'll have LOTS of eggs coming in several months. Won't a cheddar/broccoli quiche be tasty with homemade soup on a snowy, wintery day.
I love reading your "animal" musings. The way you farm seems very "whole". As in complete with each part of life complementing another.
Makes me think.
I have some nominations for piggy names: Winken, Blinken, and Nod. Or Flora, Fauna, and Meriwether. Of course, there's always Larry, Moe, and Curly. Or Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. BTW, Eric wore his new shoes this weekend before he got sick and really liked them!
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