I heard peeping from around the rabbit cages and what did I find? A broody hen had secretly started sitting on the eggs she layed in the pan on top of a rabbit cage and hatched some chicks. Trouble is, they dropped down into the bunny's cage below, away from mom's warmth and comfort. The hen didn't appear to be in any distress. She's still sitting and concentrating on getting the remaining eggs hatched. I brought the little peepers into the bathroom, two days after I got the last crowd moved out to the chicken room. I have two moms roaming around the barnyard with chicks following them. The hens do a great job, and I applaud them, but it's hard for me to find their eggs and prevent more chicks from hatching. They don't appear to need any food as the moms teach the chicks to forage on seeds, bugs, etc. The world would be a better place if human parents were as faithful and devoted as Mother Hens!
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