So happy to be away from work where we've been Regents testing all week. Very weird vibes flying around, end of the year stress. After I made my obligatory stops at the gas station, market, feed store, post office I made my way home, hardly able to enjoy the glorious weather, worn down by nonsense that I find very tirng. So much easier to relate to animals. I was glad to get back to the farm. Took water to the ever thirsty ducks thinking I have to get their pen built real soon. I just can't keep them in enough water. Slopped the piggies, who were also happy to get some fresh water in addition to their warm slop, fed the kitties, then went about carrying in groceries. I got half of them in when I decided to walk the doggies and let the sheep out. Started up the hill when I saw Mary go by on the way to the farm, tooting her horn. She was headed for the pond. A half hour later we were in the lovely spring water with the doggies. All the rough edges were smoothed over by an hour in the pond. What heaven. I returned refreshed and renewed, ready for chores and some sewing tonight. Farmer's market tomorrow. Good weather, friends old and new. And the best thing to look forward to - my Mia is coming tomorrow night to spend a day or two with me! Fabulous!
1 comment:
AWESOME- enjoy your Mia time :)
Kim and crew
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