I attended my first BOCES graduation last night (Board of Cooperative Educational Services). What a lovely affair. I sat with the Career Academy teachers and we went up on the stage as a group to present our graduates with their diplomas. There is nothing like a teaching job to make you feel part of a community. Our school trains kids in all kinds of technical jobs like carpentry, nursing, graphic design, etc. along with an academic component, which is what I am involved with. Our society needs all kinds of workers, and BOCES strives to fill that need. It was very gratifying to see our Randy, my hired man, graduate and receive the Most Improved Student award. Randy and I will spend some time together this summer as I have a long list of farm projects to complete before fall. He is so much fun to work with and has the most positive "can do" attitude. When I paid him after the sheep shearing on Sunday, Randy went home and took his mom and dad out to dinner. That's just the kind of kid Randy is!
AJ and Hector left yesterday after eating lunch at Joanie's Cafe in New Berlin and then back to lunch at NY Pizzeria (aka Frank's)while I was at work. They helped Matt carry in my 1929 cast iron bath tub, definitely a three man job. It fits perfectly in the bathroom. Matt got the proportions just right and the room looks balanced. I plan on spending a lot of quality time in that tub. Just wait until my satellite music channels are connected in the apt....fire in the wood stove, some New Age music, candles, a little Harvey's Bristol Creme in a pretty little stemmed glass, and I am ALL SET. I will soak these old bones in a hot bubble bath and muse over all the changes that have happened in the last year. Remember what Nietsche (never could spell that name!)said, "That which does not kill you makes you stronger," or something like that.
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