Woke up with a start...the night had been so quiet, nothing on the baby monitor or I slept through it. I have a feeling Knut barks when lambs are being born, but not sure yet. It's hard to get the sleeping dogs off me, they are just like people - leave me alone, let me sleep. Then I say a very firm, "Doggies OUT" and the jump up and run for the door. I run, too, for an extra pair of fleece pants over the silkies I wore to bed. Big Daddy wore two pair to bed, so I go back to his cot and beg them off him...so warm! Am I out the door yet? NOOOOOOO...straight to the coffee pot. Feel a twinge of guilt. I imagine wet babies wiggling in the freezing air as their mothers frantically wash them off, the saliva turning to icycles. But I still go for the coffee pot. Then out to the barn. PTL, yesterday's lambs are snug in their sweaters, moms-to-be are sleeping and resting, big woolen mounds scattered throughout the barn, black and white. Sheep get up, stretch, then pee - just like people! I let the LGD's out of the pen and they run over the woolen mounds to get out the barn door. We have our doggie play time then back to drink more coffee, do chores. I think I should stop complaining about the cold. I checked one of my favorite blogs, www.sockladyspins.blogspot.com (omigosh, what a talented lady, so savvy, so self-assured, living alone in the frozen Canadian northland and making it look so easy and fun) and lusted after all the fabulous socks she knits. Anyway - she showed the thermometer outside of her window - 30 below zero F. I have not experienced that here, not yet, not ever, I hope! Not until I can figure out how to make my barn warmer!
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