I knew it was coming but was still not prepared for losing my cute little friend, Baby Thunder. Mia came to visit and lucky for me she was here with me when he passed. We went to pick out lining for the bridesmaid's capelets I am making, then caught a showing of Black Swan. When we stopped at WM for cat food, the car wouldn't start. AAA rescued us with a jump, but while we were waiting I called Matt to find out that Thunder was down and not doing well. We finally got home to find him flat out on the hay and only mildly responsive. Thunder always "talks" to me. When I spoke to him I heard a little mutter deep in his throat, like he wanted to talk but couldn't. We stayed with him a while, then covered him with blankets and went to bed. I woke with a start, feared the worst, then found him cold and still. I have a lot of sheep, but there will never be another Baby Thunder. He was my VERY FIRST SHEEP and started me on this wild adventure that I've been pouring my energy and passion into for the past 10 years. He was in a little cage outside Hope Yankey's booth at Md. Sheep and Wool. He was a Coopworth triplet who Hope decided she would sell as a bottle baby. I picked him up and felt his little heart racing against my chest. I was smitten and brought him home in the back cab seat of the Ranger. That was the start of my love affair with sheep. I can't bury him now and Matt made me move him out of the barn. I have him wrapped up and under a fence panel to protect him from varmints. I can see him from the window. I'll get a proper grave dug as soon as I can. No dead pile for Baby Thunder. Libby and sons came yesterday to bring me hay and pick up goats for her son, Niko, to raise for mohair. She offered to shear Baby Thunder so I could have his last coat, but I just didn't want him to be naked out in the cold. I was so lucky to be surrounded by friends and family yesterday, busy doing ultrasounds on the ewes, Pete tinkering with motors, chatting with Niko, unloading hay, all kept me upbeat and helped me get over the hump. Life goes on, and I have many Baby Thunder stories to write in this ongoing saga of Maggie's Farm.
So sorry Maggie. I am glad Mia was there with you.
HUGS honey!!!
I'm so happy you had Mia there with you during this time. And friends to help you along with it. There is a new star shining in the sky tonight as the Thunder rides in the great flock beyond waiting for his shepherd to return to be with him.
He had such a wonderful life with you and both of you are in my thoughts.
Kim and crew
Ontario Canada
Even knowing the end was coming its still hard to deal with. So very sorry. Glad Mia was there so you could lean on her.
Call Dr. Rachel they can creamate him for you(surely not cheap however)
Very sad news Maggie, I am sorry. Baby Thunder was a well loved sheep that certainly knew he was special. xoxo Suzy
I am so sorry to read this Maggie. We knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier. I would ask the vet if there's somebody up there that could cremate him for you.
so sorry - hang in there
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