I stayed up late, half hoping to see some of the lunar eclipse starting, or some meteors, or, in some way, to feel like I was not giving up on this fabulous celestial event that was happening. I got my teacher gifts all collated and packed, and made a fresh batch of 2 ounce hand creme for the little tote bags. As I reached for a coat the doggies jumped off the sofas to come out for their night-night walk. There was no sneaking out without them. We all stumbled for the back door and I opened it, looking up to the sky, hoping that the wind had blown away the cloud cover. Bad move. Before I could yank everybody back inside, Thor and Finn jumped on Pip. Too late I heard Matt's voice telling me they were loose and not to take Pip out tonight. The White Boys hate Pip due to much teasing and bullying when they were puppies. Pip would pee in their faces when they were in their puppy pen and the White Boys never forgot. It's unbelievable how they carry this blood vengeance years later. There I was standing in the dark in the snow in the middle of a big dog fight. Even little Izzy joined in, jumping into the frey, on his hind legs, jaws snapping. I've tried two different approaches when this happens - screaming like crazy or walking away. This time I didn't have a chance to do either. The door to the apartment burst open and Matt ran out, in his stocking feet and ski underwear, screaming like a banshee. He ran into the snarling, squealing, ferocious throng of fighting dogs, kicking and grabbing them by the scuffs of their necks, throwing them off into the snow, cursing a blue streak. I looked across the little valley to see if lights were going on on the hillside. Nobody could sleep through this! Now I know why the Romans gave up on invading Ireland! The dogs scattered, all except Pip, who saw this as an opportunity to run after the retreating Thor and bite him! That's a Jack Russell Terrier for you! Matt grabbed Pip's leash but Pip, terrified of Matt, yanked away, ran for the hay cart and hid in the bales. I pulled him out and my hand came away bloody. Once inside I only found one sizeable hole in his head from a Thor fang. Not too bad as Pip has suffered worse. Matt went back to bed but shortly went for some comfort in the form of vanilla ice cream and polished off half a gallon. I huddled under the covers with Izzy, who was still hiding from Matt, the biggest, baddest Junk Yard Dog on Maggie's Farm.
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