I found my desk covered with presents from colleagues this morning. I was really overwhelmed and so grateful to everyone. There was a skein of lovely dyed yarn and handmade Ginger Bath Salts from Gretchen, a box with three kinds of fudge from Rosanna, a primitive sheep statue from Laurie and a jar of cookie mix from Kelly. I opened some and took the others home to put under my tree - when I find a tree and get it put up that is. I remember being this late getting ready for Christmas once years ago, when I was in school. I had two finals on Dec. 23 and was so strung out I staggered into the house and fell on the sofa. My kids were a bit concerned. I have more stamina now, thankfully, but there is just not enough time. With the two weeks of back to back shows in December, and work, and regular chores, and filling orders, the time slipped by so quickly and here we are. I'm trying not to let the spirit of Christmas get lost in the frenzy of preparation for Christmas, but it is easy to succumb to pressure and be cynical. Not me. I'm grateful for the way this year panned out and have much to be thankful for. Baby Thunder is hanging on. Dr. Rachel dropped off some nutritional supplement called "Well Gell" on her home to Canada for Christmas. I found it when I arrived home and mixed it up for him right away. I also found Matt laid out sick on the sofa with some kind of strep throat. He was hoping to get some work done at home today but nothing doing. I'll do chores tonight and whatever housework I can manage tomorrow. AJ will come home on Christmas Eve and we'll do the tree and put up some lights - an appropriate task for a priest-in-training. We'll let Christmas come in when it comes and take it any way we can get it.
WEll, don't be in too big of a hurry to get the Christmas tree up. I was at Target today to get some Christmas cards to give to my grandchildren and put a little money in the cards.. Target has Valentine cards on their shelf and candy, hearts, decorations and it's all pink... So now just get ready for Valentines Day.. forget the tree.
ta ta for now from Iowa....
Poor Matt - it sounds as if he hollered his throat sore after setting the dogs straight the other night :(... All you need is love to celebrate Christmas Maggie - you're set, no worries.
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