I slipped out of bed early to get out and do chores before AJ and Matt woke up. No lambs to my relief. Girls very pregnant and one or two are "puffy." I spend extra time with the sheep this morning, loving every minute of it. They are so beautiful, some in full fleece, very round and serene. The girls get a faraway look on their faces when they feel their lambs playing in their bellies. I like to watch the movements while they kick and swim. Took me a couple of hours to get everybody taken care of, then back inside to wrap presents and finish decorating the tree. AJ is my only child this Christmas so he is getting a LOT of attention and loving it. Matt made us fancy omelettes and we put on the Nativity Story. It's my favorite Christmas movie these days. I love the textiles and music and just about everything else in this lovely depiction of Jesus' birth. And I especially appreciate the attention the movie gives to the SHEPHERDS!
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