I adore craft shows, I really do, but I am so gosh darn tired. Up last night until after 1 making LOTS of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme for the Delaware Riverkeeper show this weekend and for orders that are coming in. I'm still reflecting on last weekend's Plowshares Peace Council show that was just soooo much fun. Happy, talented people all working for peace. After the labels were pressed onto the creme jars, I finished three bags that were in the works while doing chores on and off. I cook dinner for Matt every single night - it's in the contract - so there is always washing up to do...and when I need the sink for making creme it's tough to ignore the dirty dishes. It's so awful cold in the barn now. I need to run electic warmers to the chicken and duck water but the old funky electric service in the barn can't take any more usage. With the apartment and the hot water heater I'm really pushing it. I adore my classy old barn but, as I often say, it does present challenges. Right now if I can manage to get all the holes plugged up to prevent cold wind from coming in I will be pleased. I checked the thermometer on the sheltered milk room steps in the wee hours this morning and it was EIGHT BELOW! No wonder my hose froze in the barn when I went inside to check on dinner earlier. A frozen hose is a problem, as it has to be brought back into the warm to dry. With my dye stove shorted out I lost my heat source in the milk room. Like I said, I'm dealing with some challenges. I might get a new/old dye stove from Mike's used appliances in Syracuse if he has one for under $100. Two burners are shorted out from dye splashing over the pot and roosting chickens have covered the top with their "gifts." If only I could catch those boogers but they see me coming and jump waaay up high where I can't reach them. Life on the farm...
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