I was up in the hay mow with the baby goats when I heard Izzy and Holly screaming their heads off. Either they were being eaten by coyotes or Mia and AJ had just arrived. Izzy and Holly LOVE company. Well company it was, in the form of Kimmie Cornerstone and Crew. They decided to hop in the van and make a surprise visit to Maggie's Farm. Kim, in her infinite wisdom, thought I needed to "get by with a little help from my friends" and suddenly there they were in the flesh. They brought me a fabulous care package full of goodies like a handspun winter hat, three handspun goat sweaters (larger for the growing goat babies), Thor's Hammer coffee beans, beeswax candles, lamb nipples and a box of CANDY for me! They also brought cat, dog and bunny food. I mean it was like Haitian relief, NY State style! After many hugs and a peek at the babies we motored into the village of Brookfield to have Belgian waffles at the Beaver Den. The weather was sunny and beautiful. We crossed over the creek and travelled to Mary's farm to visit her newborn lambs. She's got a population explosion going on over there. What a thrill to see all those cuties bopping around her barnyard. They make my month old lambs look like big rowdy teenagers. After playing with the lambs and visiting with Mary's horse, Slipshod, we came back to the farm for an afternoon of lamb vaccinations and tail docking. Darryl is a first class lamb wrangler. It's not easy to catch those little boogers in a barn where you can't stand up straight - and they have four legs to our two. We also caught some more goats and put them up in the hay mow to fatten them up on the new goat feed called "Fitting" that Louis Gale sells. The goaties frequently get pushed away from the hay by the big, fat sheep. They also need copper which is deadly to sheep, and should be fed seperately. After our sheep work we came inside and rested while I got dinner ready and Jared and Lindsay made clay buttons for my bags. My friends left to travel the four hours home to Kingston, Ontario. I so wish they lived closer. I am so blessed to have such good friends and supporters. Kim, Darryl and the kids want to come back for shearing, which I haven't booked yet, but should be in a month or so I hope. It will be so helpful to have a skirting team so the wool can be sorted before it goes in the bag.
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