No posting to my journal in five days? Could it be true? There are times when events and circumstances conspire to consume and run away with me and things are lost to follow up. Since this journal is my daily diary, my Book of Days, the validation of my time here on this earth, I try to get something down for every day, unless I'm completely overwhelmed and know better than to open the flood gates, or I'm away from home and don't have the time or technology to post. Here's a very brief synopsis of the last fews days. Oh, and many thanks to the people who emailed to say am I alright or whassup? I know how frustrated I got when I was in school and reading historical journals that stopped suddenly without explanation. I just assumed they were killed by Indians! Nothing like that here, I promise!
Wednesday night: I was doing chores and let Finn and Knut go for their nightly run around the farm to pee on the perimeter (notice to coyotes to stay away) and get their ya-yas out. Didn't realize Holly was also out and she ran away with them. White Boys came home for their dinner a half hour later, Holly never came home. Maggie very worried.
Thursday: No Holly. Had to go to work, then report to CDI Imaging in Norwich after work for mammo and other imaging. Frantic about Holly - would she meet me in the driveway when I finally get back to the farm? My heart sank when she didn't come running out. Made my way through the barn and there she was, huddled against the north side door, covered with ice, holding up a sore foot. We both yelped and yipped for joy. Got her fed and covered with blankets on the sofa, went about doing chores, with a nagging cough and chest heaviness. I had wanted to get myself checked out after Tucker died withing 3 weeks of cancer diagnosis last month...but all this hanging around doctor's offices gave me bugs I didn't want.
Friday: Up early to get out for fasting bloods apt. made two weeks ago. Knew I was sick but let them take blood anyway. Just get 'er done. Went to work and Robin thought something terrible had happened on the farm. I was pretty sick. Had to run out in the hall to cough so as not to scare the kids. Good thing it was movie day. Called the doc's office to say I had to come back after school to get looked at. They said bronchitis and gave me antiobiotics and codeine syrup. Stood in line half an hour at the pharmacy to find I didn't have the right card. I never get prescription so they didn't have my records. Real nice people, they called the pharmacy where Matt buys his meds to get the plan numbers. Went home, collapsed on sofa. Matt took over, God Bless Him, and I watched the Opening Ceremony off and on through codeine stupor. You have to understand, the Olympics are a BIG DEAL in our house, always have been. All those Northern images speak to my soul. I loved the moose hats, snow, polar bears, whales, stars, Native Americans, mountain landscapes, fire, and ice. Those Canadians really know how to put on a show. I would fit right in up there. Couldn't help but wonder why there were no baby seals featured...I hope the protestors were outside somewhere reminding everyone what Canada is still doing out on the ice floes. My recent PETA magazine says they are still clubbing the babies for furs. I know there is a lot of nasty stuff going on in the US, but I thought Canadians were nicer than that.
Saturday AM: got my lazy butt off the sofa to get ready for Mia and Andrew's visit. A nice lady in Missouri bought two bags on Etsy so I could get my tickets for the Valentine Fur Ball at the Canasawacta Country Club on Saturday night. It was a stretch during hay buying time, but there was no way I was going to miss it. Andrew drove in his mother's new brand-new all-wheel drive Honda, so no worries about snowy roads. Mia burst in the door her arms laden with fruit and organic goodies and presents for the doggies. We visited a while before getting dressed up for the Fur Ball. I wanted to go for the four years I've lived here and was very excited. So disappointed that AJ, the priest in training, didn't come. He would have enjoyed this glittery, upscale, party side of life in upstate New York. Something going on at the seminary I guess. Had a fabulous time, the azithromycin, mucinex and codeine kept me from clearing the table with my cough and we ate and danced the night away.
Came home to sink into the sofas and catch up with the Olympics. We tuned in just in time for Mia to see Hannah Kearney of Vermont win the Gold Medal in the Mogul event, her favorite. I missed Apolo Ono catch the silver, but hope to see another one of his races. What a cutie, patootie. It's so cool to see athletes grow up over the years.
Sunday AM: Woke up and motored over to the Beaver Den for breakfast. Drove home in a lovely little Lake Effect snow. Mia took Billy Goat up to the hay mow to play with his friends while I got set up to finish her living room curtains. We spent the afternoon sewing, watching the Games, chatting and enjoying each other's company. Young Finn, Andrew's rescued Lab/Pit Bull mix, had a little difficulty keeping calm with all the cats, dogs and livestock he was suddenly thrown in with, and slept all the way home. I'm thrilled that he didn't bother my fiber when he was shut in the guest room while we went out. Andrew bought him lots of toys to bribe him to be good. Thank you, Finn!
Sunday PM: Matt did chores so I could rest, watched the Games. They just get better and better. The pairs ice skating was mesmerizing, just so beautiful. I spun half of bobbin of tussah silk which I plan on plying with suri alpaca and dyeing. Hope I can get it as pretty as the Tulip's. What she does with silk and angora is stunning. People salivate while petting it. And she does it with Kool-Aid!! Wish she would tell me her secrets...
Happy to read all is well!
Hope the cough goes away soon. Take care of yourself.
Glad you had a good time despite being sick.
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