The day just ran away with itself. It was too long yet not long enough. I spent an hour with one student, helping him to write the elusive Five Paragraph Essay. Kids don't know how to write anymore because they don't have to write. They text instead, or play video games, or fiddle with the Ipod when years ago they might have been writing a letter or in a diary, or, heaven forbid, reading a book in the quiet of a silent bedroom or tree house. Harry Potter helped stave off the reading block, then the Twilight series more recently. Sad thing is, kids love to be read to when they are forbidden to use the nasty little boxes. The big, brash, swaggering teens sit in rapt attention when a teacher reads a story to them. The need to read or listen is still there, for now that is. I'm sure that with years and years of favoring technology over reading future generations will be even less desirous of good literature. But for now, I'm glad the day is over. The school day ran into a meeting and it was four o'clock before I realized I didn't have a late morning or afternoon cup of coffee. The damage was done, I was crashing and craving something to wake me up. It was after five that I was home and able to brew myself a cup. It's a terrible thing to be chemically dependent. It's after nine and the caffeine never caught up. I made tuna melt for dinner tonight, surprisingly tasty and filling. Chores done and time to hold down the sofa for a while and watch the Olympics. Snowy days coming later this week, travel will be tricky. Wouldn't a snow day be nice?
The Book is the perfect technology. It never fails, it always works, does not need something you might lose to get the job done. The Codex is my favorite technology...and we both know I'm a technology slut.
I love books. They are in my blood. My late paternal GM was a librarian, her daughter - my auntie still is. I worked as a librarian until we left Russia and later volunteered at the library here. I love books. They are the best travel agency there is. Just open the book and let it do it's magic. I am so happy that my kids read a lot. But then we do not have a TV and computer time is strictly rationed.
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