"Watched" the replay of many ice skating routines while doing things around the apartment. Pretty lake effect snow falling all morning, now given way to some sunshine, leaving blue lights in the holes our footsteps leave in the snow. I made fancy spinach/cheddar cheese omelettes for breakfast. Around here cheddar cheese is called "sharp" cheese to the point where the waitress in the local diner didn't know what I was talking about when I asked for cheddar cheese. Interesting local vernacular here in the North Country. Got the long weekend's worth of dishes washed, scraped crud off the stove - best I could do with no Brillo pads - and swept the apartment. Will do school paperwork until time for chores then closing ceremony. I'll miss the Olympics but the timing is perfect. If it went on too much longer we would get tired of it and not appreciate it. Canada did an unbelievable job and I'll miss all the wintery designs. I loved the tall pines, craggy mountains and the totem poles. I hope they have more whales in the ceremony tonight. I was sick and slept through the whale portion of the opening night show. I want to knit some of the nifty hats I've seen participants wear on TV, like the moose, stars, pines, etc. I'm sure the patterns are around somewhere. Some knitter smarter than myself has probably put them on a computer program and is selling them already. Back to school tomorrow. I like the kids but not the bureaucracy. I'm sure most teachers say the same thing. The snow gave us a nice vacation. Matt is going away again to teach Lead Safe Weatherization in Rochester and Buffalo. I asked him why his trainees can't do it, since his annual evaluation says he should do more delegating. Matt is the only EPA Lead Safe Trainer currently certified in NY State. He says one guy in the office will be ready soon. I don't mind doing everything myself, even with the heavy alfafa bales, but the funky electric goes out, and things can happen with the pipes, etc. I haven't fallen out of the hay mow yet, and I have my cell in my sports bra all the time. I have Jury Duty next week, and I don't know how to get to Wampsville. They said come dressed appropriately for court - very funny. I guess that means no jeans! My Colorscape application with images is due on the 12 with jury fee. I want to do Colorscape again so I better get cracking and put some pictures on a disk. They sent me a report card - very interesting. Two judges rated my booth. Out of seven categories, with the highest score of seven, one judge gave me all sixes and a nice note saying she bought some of my stuff. The other judge gave me all three's and said my "mission statement was not clear." Glad there were two judges to average out my score!