Mary spent the afternoon here yesterday picking out 8 of my best ewes to live on her farm. They are so beautiful with gorgeous wool, which Mary promised to save for me. She brought me some of her grass fed beef and lamb sausage along with her own eggs. We had a nice visit while playing rodeo with the sheep. Mary and I noticed that, incredibly, I have a pregnant ewe. Don't know how that happened, unless she leaned up against the fence where the boys are. It's happened before! I won't mind another lamb to love, even though Larry and Lester have me jumping hoops with their bottles. We got Mary's ewes penned up in their own area, wormed and marked. Good thing because two of the more energetic girls have escaped and jumped in with Levi's mother to steal her food. We'll have to catch them over again when Mary comes to pick up the group. I visit with the girls and tell them how much I will miss them but how happy they will be with all Mary's delicious pickled haylage, corn and second cut hay, then 80 acres of fields with a stream in the summer. Nice digs! Mary helped me build two hay feeders with hog panels before she left. And...she gave me the number of a local dairy farmer who will deliver good second cut hay! I talked to him tonight and he's coming next week. Finally I can tell Matt he won't have to pick up hay on Saturdays. I can take the hay off Mr. Postma's truck and send it up the elevator myself.
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