I think about knitting a lot. After all, I keep sheep for wool. I love to wander around the sheep festivals, petting and lusting after the sweaters people knit and put on display. New Hampshire Sheep and Wool was full of gorgeous knitted creations. They even had on display a sweater I've been trying to knit for years from a Classic Elite pattern. Oh, it's gorgeous. Funny thing is, now that I have sheep for wool and goats for mohair, I have less time to knit than ever. I think I've completed four sweaters in my life, along with a few pairs of mittens, socks and scarves. Turning a good heel on a sock is a skill I am most proud of. Considering how topsy-turvy my life has been between relationships and moving way too many times, it's a miracle I've done that much. Next knitting project on deck is a sweater jacket for Mia, then the Fireside Sweater. The Fireside Sweater appeared in my booth last weekend, worn by a pretty young lady who knitted it in a lovely natural gray wool. It was tight fitting and covered with cables. I fell in love instantly and have to knit it. The owner sent me to the Ravelry site to find the pattern. I was lucky not only to find the pattern, but some comments by people who knitted it. This pattern has a bit of a story to it. The Fireside Sweater appeared in the movie The Holiday, which my daughter Mia recommended to me. Cameron Diaz wore it in the stone cottage she rented from Kate Winslet in England. A very talented knitter created a pattern for it and now it's available for purchase. I've knitted a cable sweater before, but it was one cable going down the front of the sweater. At the time I was living in Morristown, one mile away from Knit One Purl Too, a cute little shop in town. I had to take the sweater back several times so the owner could tell me where I was on the cable pattern. I was used to knitting away mindlessly without counting every row. I'm older now and, hopefully, more disciplined. We'll see how it goes...
1 comment:
Hi Maggi! I was looking for Nanny McPhee and I ended up here: a sweater I adored the first time I saw it (and indeed remembered than the film). Ik already googled, but I am restricted here in Tunesia! Please help me out - knitting is my favourite passing on hot summer afternoons LOL.
You write a lovely blog,I add you to favourites! Love Frances
francescaharrison@hotmail.com (pls don't publish my adress!)
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