I woke up to some good news. Every time we stand in line at the airport, have to take our shoes off or suffer the indignity of a body search, we have Bin Laden to thank. The Patriot Act, passed in response to the terror Bin Laden supported, took away our civil liberties. Now our phones can be tapped and I have to show six different forms of ID to get a NY State driver's license. He gloated over the death of the American citizens in the World Trade Center. Sure his second in command is just as dedicated to Jihad and the death of the Western lifestyle, but Bin Laden's death makes a powerful statement. I'm anxious to read about how the Navy Seals made this happen. BL was living in comfort with his family, not hiding out in a dismal cave in Afghanistan. I was making copies at Voorhees High School in NJ, 30 miles west of Manhattan, when the AV guy opened the door to his room and said psst, get in here. The principal and some teachers were watching the big screen TV with solemn faces. I saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center and our lives were forever changed. We've lived with the shadow of this tragedy hanging over us. This morning I'm thankful for the Navy Seals who went in there and got this evil bastard, and I'm relieved that, in some way, the victim's families can rest a bit easier. Our God is an awesome God. That God is the same God for the Islamic faith. It's not over. My son is in the Army and I will always have the worry in the back of my mind that he will be called to duty in a dangerous area. AJ joined the National Guard after 9/11 to protect his country and is still serving. That's the kind of kid he is. God Bless my Army son and the USA.
1 comment:
You are right. It is not over yet. But it sure feels good.
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