Mia, bless her heart, returned to St. Vladimir's Seminary in Yonkers to help AJ get packed up. He has to conduct a church service at Fort Irwin in California this coming Sunday. AJ wanted to stop at the farm and say hello to the dogs. AJ loves the doggies and took some time to play with Knut, Finn and Thor - the outside White Boys. We met him at Frank's Pizzeria in New Berlin where we had a splendid eggplant parmigian dinner, courtesy of Betsey Baio, wife of Frank, to celebrate AJ's ordination. After a restful night sleeping in the little guest trailer with his favorite dog, Holly, AJ left in his Honda Civic to travel across country to begin his life as an Army Chaplain. He wistfully commented something about always leaving his family and the people he loves. Ah, the life of a soldier.
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