Played volleyball with the kids for an hour in school before they went home. It was so much fun, wish we could do it every day. I am so lousy at it but I can serve decently so I wasn't too much of a liability to my team. Went to Wal-Mart to get the presents for the underprivileged family assigned to me. Got some cute things for Hannah and Luke which I can carry on the plane without too much trouble. Crowded stores give me the creeps around the holidays and I left feeling very stretched to the limit. Long, lonely drive home with deer jumping out from every bush and cars riding up my rear (I'm told I drive like an old lady.) Matt got home from New Jersey last night with eggplant for me and flowers for our anniversary, along with my all-time favorite drinkie-poo, Harvey's Bristol Cream. I just adore it, tastes like nuts and berries and always takes the edge off. Matt has been bone-dry for twelve years and never joins me for a night-cap, but doesn't mind me taking a nip. Heard from AJ, who is on his way to his Army Chaplain physical in Phoenix, Az. He passed the 2 mile run (under 14 minutes) and scored okay on the rifle range, so this will be the last obstacle to his goal. He lost 25 pounds in preparation for this test...I am praying for him. If he passes he will be working for the Nevada National Guard, holding a coveted full time NG position, recruiting new chaplains and trying to keep soldiers in the Army. Good luck with that! My prayer is that he stays stateside and doesn't go to Iraq. Have to wrap presents for tomorrow. No more lambs. Hope they keep their legs crossed another week so I can get home from my visit to see the Little Ones in Las Vegas. Nighty-night!
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