The country bumpkin farmer gets on a plane to Vegas wearing jeans, clogs, hand knit socks and the thrift shop duffle coat (which happens to be a fabulous coat). Oh, well, what you see is what you get. I just don't go anywhere which requires dressing up. I left that behind in New Jersey. I washed my favorite green flannel jammies for Christmas morning. The two giant pink suitcases that belonged to Mia are packed with presents (unwrapped!). I'm making a lambing kit for Matt and boiling last year's tubing apparatus in case he has to use it. I'm making him promise to check the barn OFTEN for lambs. Not too cold right now. Hope they wait til I get back. It'a a BIG job taking care of all these critters. Eric and Annie have cats and dogs, even a tiny little chihuahua mix named Perdita. I won't suffer for lack of doggie and kitty company! But I'll miss my Holly, Izzy, etc. I'll be calling to check in...
1 comment:
Have a Merry Christmas and safe travels.
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