Here is where I should say how happy I am to be home but I am utterly miserable. I miss Hannah and Luke so much and had such a good time in Las Vegas. Eric says he'll send me another ticket in the spring and it can't come fast enough for me. Hannah and I slept in her purple bed on my last night in LV. It was cold (went down to 27 F. at night) and when we jumped in the bed I said Hannah! It's freezing! She said very cryptically, Just wait, Omi, the green light is on. I had no idea what she was talking about until the bed started to get warm and cozy...there was an electric blanket in the bed with us! I woke up at 4 and had coffee with Eric and Annie before packing my things in the big mauvey pink suitcases. Annie had an early meeting (0700 hours - she works with a lot of military people) so Eric and AJ were taking me to the airport. Hannah and Luke had to come with us and it didn't go over well with Hannah, the Drama Queen. What a picture, there she was, so long and lanky and beautiful at 9 years old in her slinky nightgown (she's loved them since a little girl)lying on the hall carpet, crying her eyes out, protesting BUT I don't WANT to go to the AIRPORT!!!! They are always MAKING me go to the AIRPORT!!! WHY can't I stay HOME for ONCE!! I said Hannah, when you are a movie star you will have to get up early and fly all over the world. I DON'T CARE!!!!!! Wail, wail, wail. I had to force myself from laughing. We managed to get on some stretch pants and sneakers under the slinky nightgown and a sparkly dress-up coat. Wish I got a picture. Luke was up, happy and smiley and ready to go. We piled into the Mercedes and motored off, said our goodbyes, and I was off. I sat next to a lady who was also visiting grandchildren in LV. She was complaining about the lack of green, the Strip, etc. and couldn't understand why her son lived in LV. Too bad she didn't get out to the desert on a motorcycle the way I did. She said the desert is all brown. Is she blind? It's red, purple, pink and blue, covered with lovely flowers and vegetation at different times of the year. She wants them to move back to Maryland where they have a family home waiting for them. This lady also told me I was flying to Baltimore, a surprise stop. The flight was uneventful and the lay-over no problem because they didn't make me get off the plane. I have only good things to say about Southwest. It was 46 minutes to Albany and there was Matt. Good news - no lambs yet, the weak yearling wether is starting to stand up (big boys had been pushing him away from the food for longer than we realized) and my crippled kitty is looking stronger (more about him on another post). Bad news - the lady with the Victorian who wanted a bed and breakfast doesn't want to do it until next fall. There is no work, not even with the builder in New Jersey Matt worked for last year. I was choking all the way home. We need two steady incomes to keep this farm going and it's all on me now. This construction thing is for the BIRDS. I don't care what he does as long as it's steady. I paid a lot of money and sat in miserable classes for years so I could find steady work when I had to. Reality bites hard. I better start cutting out bags and wrapping soap and he better start pounding the pavement. Wish I could get back on the plane...
oh my goodness mommie.. i can totally picture that scene.. !! just wait until hannah is queen of the runway! my eyes fill up with tears, but i can't stop reading about your trip! i called eric today to tell him that i am dying to get out there and see those kids!!!! (and the desert, sunsets.. )
oh my goodness mommie.. i can totally picture that scene.. !! just wait until hannah is queen of the runway! my eyes fill up with tears, but i can't stop reading about your trip! i called eric today to tell him that i am dying to get out there and see those kids!!!! (and the desert, sunsets.. )
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