Breeze is getting better steadily, spending more time on his feet and sitting upright in his sphinx position. I make sure he gets enought to eat by feeding him myself. The llamas will not take food away from the sheep and goats, and stand back if the sheep are crowding around the hay. Sometimes there is not much left for Chris and Breeze. The round bales solved that problem because the llamas could munch on the top of the bale while the sheep ate all around the bottom. The round bales are gone and there is too much snow for us to roll them around to the back of the barn. This weekend I will get a horse hay bag to hang up high so the boys can get their hay undisturbed. I sure am glad to have my Breezie back...I was so worried.
1 comment:
A horse hay bag is very dangerous to llamas. They can strangle themselves to death easily. You need one like this: http://www.llama-alpacasupplies.com/show.html.
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