It's so nice to pause and take some deep breaths beside the lovely pond at sunset. It's been non-stop busy for the last two weeks. After a visit to Mia on Labor Day Weekend, then school starting on Tuesday, then Colorscape Chenango on the following weekend, there's hardly been a dull moment. Sometimes dull moments are a gift. I think school will be manageable this year, at least that's what it looks like now. One never knows. Colorscape was fantastic, a joyous artsy block party on the square of Norwich, with fabulous bands playing everything from blues to wild Celtic music, and crowds of people coming through the artists booths. Many BOCES people came by, even Sean the custodian who cleans my classroom, and I was glad they could see what I do. They know I live a strange alternative agricultural lifestyle, and now understand a little better what keeps me busy. A woman bought a bag from me, and I thought she looked familiar. Today I saw her at a meeting and was told she's the assistant superintendent of our school system. After school and chores I'm trying to get some replacement product made for the Hemlock festival this weekend. It's a wonderful little show and my fiber-sister Kimmie is coming from Ontario to spend the weekend with me. We'll celebrate her birthday, which is TODAY. A more caring, generous and unselfish person never walked the earth. She understands me and everything I do, very refreshing after a weekend where people picked up a ball of roving and said, what's this? Fortunately soap and hand creme need no explanation so I was fine. Off to get some shut eye as I surely need it.
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