I love these little Shetland Sheep. I think they might be a good "old lady" sheep for me. My Bluefaced Leicesters and Merino crosses are already way too big for me to handle. Shetlands give more wool than my BFL's and have nice little handles (horns) to help hold on to them. The breeder at Fingerlakes told me she gets three pounds plus from her tiny little Shetlands. My purebred BFL ewe hardly gives one pound, if you can imagine that. I love my beautiful, elegant Bluefaced Leicesters, but long range planning has me thinking about a different breed and the Shetlands appeal to me. They are on the wild side but very hardy, and a good size for a crippled old lady - which I will undoubtedley become someday.
1 comment:
All those wonderful colors to choose from too!
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