I'm going to bed hoping it works this time. Didn't have much luck last night. Wide awake until 3 am or so. I think these hormonal changes are screwing up my clock. The least little thought or worry can throw off my sleep. Alarm went off at six and I knew I was in trouble. I made it through the day with the help of a little nap during my lunch period. I sat at my desk with my chin on my hand looking at the computer screen. I must have slept for 20 minutes or so, then woke up in time to get to cafeteria duty. Another teacher there said gee you're quiet today. If she only knew. I had my 11th grade support class today and took them for a walk around the grounds. OH, how gorgeous. We're surrounded by hills of glorious color. The kids were funny, laughing and cutting up. It was perfect. I made my stops for gas and bank, post office and market. Two students of mine were in the market and helped me get the bags to the car. They want to come work on the farm, and I think I will take them up on it. I unloaded the car and decided I would let the sheep out to graze. I am using hay up way too fast and know I will be in trouble again - crap! I sat in the car with Izzy and Holly on top of the hill and watched pinkish-purple clouds stream across the darkening sky, with ducks landing on the pond, and sheep sipping carefully from the very edge of the water. The sun still illuminated the ridge above me while the hills in the distance turned dark blue. I thought I was in heaven. I felt guilty stealing this time away from work I need to do for the Rhinebeck show, but I was too tired to do anything much. I managed to get a batch of lavender soap made tonight, then gave up. The shea butter, silk, goat milk, honey and oatmeal should dissipate the lye quickly enough, and if it sets up properly I should be able to have it ready to sell. The anise is hard enough to wrap now. I need to make more bags to replace the ones sold in NJ. Have to hustle (and get some sleep). AJ wrote to say his National Guard unit is deploying to Afghanistan in April, but he is excused due to his Chaplain Candidate and seminary student status. This is the second re-deployment he's escaped due to school. I'm a very lucky mother.
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