We woke up to icy bone chilling rain, dogs piled up against us on the pull-out sofa bed in the trailer. First thing on my mind...did I fix the coffee pot? There's nothing like pushing that button and waiting for the aroma. I got some Starbuck's for Christmas...hmmmm. The next thing that filters through the fog - lambs. Gotta get the gear on and get out to the barn. Silkies first, then fleece pants, then two pair of my own fiber socks, Muck Boots, turtleneck, thick wool sweater, Carhartt vest (can't beat the pockets) GoreTex Bean jacket, skull cap, barn gloves. Dogs wake up - have to get them out of the trailer post haste or else! I stumble to the barn, go through the milk room into the lower barn. Thor, Finn and Knut are in their pen, waiting for me to let them go. I do a quick, quiet walk up and down to check for lambs - nothing yet. Lots of big bellied moms lying down. Ordinarily they would jump right up but their heavy loads keep them down. Take the doggies out and stand in the icy rain while they play. Back in the barn - the dogs pee on the barn door to let visitors know this is their domain. Climb the ladder to the mow and get the hay down and fill the stock tanks - collect eggs for breakfast. Bantams seem to be settling in and the new roosters are crowing away - music to my ears! It's such a happy, farmy wake-up sound. French toast today - it is Martin Luther King Day and we are home on the farm for the day, snug and warm in the barn.
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