I had a nice chat with my dearest friend, Jan this morning. We worked together in the Special Ed. dept of my last high school. Jan invited me to stay with her when I travelled back to NJ to do the Delaware River Keeper Craft Show last December. Jan and Dave gave me the royal treatment, waiting for me with an umbrella when I pulled in after a weary drive and unloading my wares in a rainstorm. They gave me wine, and delicious food and offered me a bath in Jan's clamshell jacuzzi. The last time I relaxed in a jacuzzi was in Aspen, Colorado, in 1979. No kidding... I turned the jets so they shot the water on my two aching feet and the small of my back. AAAHHHHHHH.... Jan tucked me into her daughter's four poster bed and off to dream land I went. The next morning I swung my legs over onto the white carpet and tiptoed down to breakfast (and nothing stuck to my feet!) Jan's palatial abode is on the market. If you have a million dollars burning a hole in your pocket, you can have it. She is anxious to sell it so she can buy a piece of property up here in Central New York by me. It seems my wild, crazy willy-nilly agricultural fibery lifestyle appeals to Jan! Can't imagine why?
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